black and white and you still manage to amaze :)
black and white and you still manage to amaze :)
this is the first time I notice something off in your work: the dude's mouth looks 2 dimensional. other than that, it's all 5 * :)
fuckin metal, dude \m/ keep up the good shit ;D
Cheers mate
what programs and tools do you use to make the line art? I use photoshop, but I've been told there are better programs for that. since I like how clean your line work is I'd love to learn a bit from you.
I guess you can make clean lines in every software. It's just matter of experience with it and patience.
But Manga Studio makes things a lot easier. New version is called Clip Studio Paint. It has a lot more powerful tools for drawing than PS. I've seen even really nice digital painting made there, but it still has to catch up with PS in that area. But for line art is great, feels very natural. I also tried Krita, it's free and still very good with lines, but I'm used to MS and stick to it. And I heard many good things about Sai too.
Don't worry about line quality that much, things beneath are more important. Lines will come along as you draw more. Plus so many artist create great art with sketchy, wild and raw lines. So just keep that pencil busy till you find your style.
best one so far :D silhouette is interesting, the materials well suited, the accessories blend well with the character and, if the lower half of the character got some more love, the whole thing could come together quite well. KEEP IT UP, YOU LEGEND!
REALLYsolid artwork, friend :) try to add some wear and tear on the armor, since he seems like a fairly experienced fellow. i love the details on the armor and the fact that you didnt just draw a plain spear. the pet is a bit odd but cute. it works. i think the perspective on the eye slots on the mask is a bit off and the color seems a bit dull, but it might just be me.
all in all, 5 stars. it's a great work and an interesting design.
i would personally darken the shadows a tiny bit and lighten the colors too. if you wanna try it in a simple way and you use photoshop, you can just add a copy of that image on a layer above the rest of your work (merge the entire copy so you get a single layer) and then change the filter from "normal" to "Overlay" then mess around with the opacity.
keep it up, my friend. great things sprout from your noggin and im all too eager to see what comes next :)
Thanks for the nice input man
as an edgelord myself, I approve of this.
looks awesome :D love how you painted the teeth under all that blood without losing the shape
love the style. the outfit's a good pick. only one nitpick: the face is not exactly McCree. I believe McCree has more of an underbite and thinner lips, as well as a more rectangular face and a slightly bigger nose lower on his face. I might be wrong though, so please check before you take my advice to heart. regardless, it's still an awesome painting and I hope to get more from you in the future :) keep it up, friend. hope this comment helps.
thanks for your thoughts!
this is awesome :D do you use custom brushes or do you stick with the normal ones?
Im using both :)
Joined on 11/24/12